NO. | 检测项目 | 采用标准 |
1 | Durability汽车耐久行驶实验 | GB/T 12679 |
2 | Engine cooling发动机冷却水/油记录 | GB/T12542-2009 |
3 | Grade ability爬坡性能测试 | GB/T12539-1990 |
4 | Exterior noise level外部噪音测试 | GSO 1624 |
5 | Cab strength驾驶室强度 | ECE R29 |
6 | Batteries启动电池测试 | GSO 34-35/2007 |
7 | Radiator散热器测试 | GSO 135 J 36/2007 |
8 | Motor vehicle general safety requirements 机动车的一般安全要求 | GSO 42/2003 |
9 | Safety belts安全带测试 | GSO 96, 97/1988 |
10 | Heavy Duty Diesel Engine Pollutants Test重型柴油发动机排放污染物测试 | GSO 144,145 |
11 | Heavy Duty Diesel Engine - Smoke emission Test重型柴油发动机烟度污染物测试 | GSO 144, 146 |
12 | Flammability Of Interior Materials内饰材料的阻燃性测试 | GSO 98/1988 |
13 | Sound Signaling Devices喇叭测试 | GSO 99/1988 |
14 | heavy duty gasoline engined vehicles pollution重型汽油机污染物检测 | 无标准 |
15 | Light Duty Gasoline Engine Pollution - Test after cold start.轻型汽油发动机冷启动后排放污染物测试 | GSO 1680,1681 |
16 | Light Duty Gasoline Engine Pollution - Idle Test轻型汽油机怠速污染物排放测试 | GSO 1680, 1682 |
17 | Light Duty Gasoline Engine Pollution - Hydrocarbon Evaporative Emissions.轻型汽油发动机碳氢化合物排放污染物测试 | GSO 1680, 1683 |
18 | Light Duty Gasoline Engine Pollution - Crankcase轻型汽油机曲轴箱污染物排放测试 | GSO 1680, 1684 |
19 | Light Duty Gasoline Engine Pollution - durability of pollution control equipment 轻型汽油机污染物控制设备的耐久性 | GSO 1680, 1685 |
20 | Light Duty Diesel Engine Pollution - Pollutant test.轻型柴油机污染物排放测试 | GSO 1040, 1041 |
21 | Light Duty Diesel Engine Pollution - Smoke Emission test.轻型柴油机烟度排放污染测试 | GSO 1040/2000, 1042/2000 |
22 | Passenger Cars Impact Strength - Frontal Impact乘用车正面碰撞测试 | GSO 36/2005, 40/2005 |
23 | Passenger Cars Impact Strength - Rear Impact,乘用车尾部碰撞测试 | GSO 37, GSO 40 |
24 | Passenger Cars Impact Strength - Side Impact (Static test)乘用车侧面静压测试 | GSO 38/2005, GSO 40/2005 |
25 | Passenger Cars Impact Strength - Side Impact (Dynamic test- 1707)乘用车侧面碰撞测试 | GSO 1707, GSO 40/2005 |
26 | Passenger Cars Impact Strength - Side lmpact(Dynamic test- 1708)乘用车侧面碰撞测试 | GSO 1708(38C)r GSO 40/2005 |
27 | Passenger Cars Impact Strength - Roof Strength.乘用车车顶静压测试 | GSO 39/2005, 40/2005 |
28 | Door locks and Door hinges.门锁和门钗链 | GSO 419, 420 |
29 | Rear View Mirrors.后视镜 | GSO421 , 422 |
30 | Head Restraint头枕 | GSO1598 |
31 | Motor Vehicles-Laminated Safety Glass安全玻璃测试 | GSO 1677, GSO ISO 3537, 3538 |
32 | Protection Against Theft 防盗 | GSO 1053 |
33 | Motor Vehicle Headlamps前大灯 | GSO 1503 |
34 | Brake Test制动测试 | GSO ECE 13H |
35 | Motor Vehicle WMI Report | GSO 1781 |
36 | Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) | GSO 1780, 1782 |
37 | Engine Net Power发动机净功率 | GSO ISO 1585 |
38 | Tyre Tread wear, Traction and Temperature Resistance Grading轮胎磨损等级、牵弓I等级、温度等级 | GSO 1783 |
39 | Temperature Resistance Grading Test of Tyres轮胎温度等级 | GSO 1784 |
40 | Passenger Car Tyres - Test Report乘用车轮胎测试 | GSO 51, 52, 53 |
41 | MPV, Trucks and Buses, Heavy duty vehicle Tyres - Test report 重型车轮胎测试 | GSO 645, 646, 647 |
42 | Minimum turning diameter 较小转弯半径 | GB/T 12540-1990 |